Untold Stories 歌詞,《Untold Stories》lrc歌詞下載

《Untold Stories》歌曲信息

歌名:Untold Stories
專輯:Throw Down Your Arms

《Untold Stories》文本歌詞

Canon EVA
Pachelbel's Canon EVA RAP
How many times must we start again『我們還要開始多少遍』
The creation of the world from beginning to end『天地萬物由生至滅』
What will it take before we learn『在我們知道一切之前將會發生什麼』
We gotta wake up now and show some concern『我們必須醒來 看看這周圍 的一切』
What will the future hold『未來會是怎樣』
How many untold stories will be told『多少未知的故事將被傳唱』
Just what will the future bring『不久便會明撩』
How many species of birds will have a song to sing『哪些鳥兒還能歌唱 』
Man 'n' man can't even get on『人類不能和平相處』
'N' man 'n' women's been at war for far too long『男女想背太久』
Superior race, all this black and white vision『“優越”的種族互不相 融』
Catholic, Muslim there's too many religions『天主教、穆斯林 太多的信 仰』
Too much hatred, too much greed『太多的仇恨 太多的貪婪』
Ignorant people pollute the air that we breathe『無知的人們污染著我 們的空氣』
We gotta wake up now before it's much too late 『我們必須醒來 在一切 還未太遲之前』
Hungry people need food on their plate『饑餓的人們需要得到盤中的食物 』
People bein' killed for just a few pence『生命隻值幾個便士』
Can you justify that, cause it makes no sense to me『難道隻因為它與 我毫無意義可言』
You're growin' up much too fast『你們成長的太快』
The destruction of mankind. How long would it last『人類的毀滅 還將 持續多久』
Perfect - that's what I'm strivin'『完美 那正是我要做的』
The next best thing won't do for me 『用更好的來代替自我』
I do my best, you disagree『我竭盡全力 你卻反對』
Holier - than - thou, holier - than - me 『自以為是的虔誠和神聖』
Commitin' crimes with no remorse『肆虐妄行』
As good as gold, now an evil『邪惡的力量已盡極至』
One word description is a dis『用一個詞來形容 那就是“地獄”』
You lick a boy down for his bag of cheese n onion crisp『為了一袋食 物就將孩子打倒』
And you don't even stop to think 『你卻從未停下來思考』
Whatever happened to the dinosaurs could make us all extinct 『發 生在恐龍身上的事情同樣可將你我滅絕』
I'm bein' judged by the clothes that I wear『以貌取人』
We gotta educate those with a grudge to bear『我們必須引到心中的怨恨 』
But I'm content to a certain extent『但我還感到些許欣慰』
You're condemned for life, it's too late to repen『懺悔早已太遲 你已 行將就木』
Inna - most beauty, such a terrible waste『最美好的東西』
Caught between a rock 'n' a hard place『隻有在最荒涼的地方才能得到』
Be judged by accordin' to what you've done『你所作的一切終將接收審判 』
Live this life, the next is a better one『度過這一生 下一個將會更好 』
Eat the fruit from the tree of life『隻能吃生命之樹的果實』
'Cause if you live by the sword. you'll die by the knife『否則將 玩 火自焚 自作自受』
How great and wonderful are your days『偉大的日子』
How right and true are your ways.『正確的方式』
No more death, grief, cryin' or pain『不再有死亡、憂傷、哭泣和痛苦』
Cause only the good things will remain.『隻有美好的才能被留下來』
Heed my words 'cause what I'm sayin' is true『聽從我的指引 因為我所 說的一切都將實現』
Treat them exactly as they treated you『彼此善待』
Wipe away the tears from your eyes『擦去眼邊的淚水』
Be proud, lift your head up - reach for the skies『自豪的抬起頭 去觸 及那天國』
Condemned for what you did to them『為你對他們所作的一切受責』
Now see how quick they fall to worship him『看看他們多快的開始崇拜他 』
There's a place in my heart that makes me understand『心中有個地方使 我明白』
Prepared 'n' ready like a bride dressed to meet her husband『像準備 見丈夫的盛裝的新娘那樣』
Treat life like a learning process『將生命看作學習的過程』
I said turn right, so you took a sharp left『我讓你右轉 你卻向左』
Wake up and we'll all sleep peacefully『醒來吧 我們將一起平靜的睡去 』
The sun shines but it still seems bleak to me『陽光燦爛 但對我依舊似 黯淡無光』
You tell a lie and convince me it's the truth『你用謊話使我相信那是 真理』
I'm well mannered but you still call me uncouth『我小心翼翼 你仍說我 無禮』
I believe that there's got to be much more『我相信這已太多』
I hope I'm ready when death comes knockin' on my door『希望在死神降 臨之時我已經做好準備』
Maybe tonight, maybe as I sleep『也許今晚也許在睡夢中』
It can drive you mad if you think too deep『如果你想的太多 那將讓你 發瘋 』
But don't have a breakdown because I called you a clown『別因為我叫 你小醜就感到崩潰』
You threw a punch 'n' missed, I killed you with a kiss『你打來一拳 我卻用親吻將你殺死』
What on earth will you be then『你究竟想做些什麼呢』
The hour of your death amen『在你死亡的時刻 阿門』
'N' all the prejudice that I've sustained『和我所有的偏見』

《Untold Stories》LRC歌詞

[ti:Canon EVA]
[al:Pachelbel's Canon EVA RAP]

[00:00.81]Canon EVA
[00:05.49]Pachelbel's Canon EVA RAP
[00:21.49]How many times must we start again『我們還要開始多少遍』
[00:23.57]The creation of the world from beginning to end『天地萬物由生至滅』
[00:26.21]What will it take before we learn『在我們知道一切之前將會發生什麼』
[00:28.60]We gotta wake up now and show some concern『我們必須醒來 看看這周圍 的一切』
[00:31.97]What will the future hold『未來會是怎樣』
[00:34.21]How many untold stories will be told『多少未知的故事將被傳唱』
[00:37.07]Just what will the future bring『不久便會明撩』
[00:39.30]How many species of birds will have a song to sing『哪些鳥兒還能歌唱 』
[00:42.31]Man 'n' man can't even get on『人類不能和平相處』
[00:44.34]'N' man 'n' women's been at war for far too long『男女想背太久』
[00:46.94]Superior race, all this black and white vision『“優越”的種族互不相 融』
[00:49.62]Catholic, Muslim there's too many religions『天主教、穆斯林 太多的信 仰』
[00:52.33]Too much hatred, too much greed『太多的仇恨 太多的貪婪』
[00:54.69]Ignorant people pollute the air that we breathe『無知的人們污染著我 們的空氣』
[00:57.08]We gotta wake up now before it's much too late 『我們必須醒來 在一切 還未太遲之前』
[00:59.83]Hungry people need food on their plate『饑餓的人們需要得到盤中的食物 』
[01:02.50]People bein' killed for just a few pence『生命隻值幾個便士』
[01:04.60]Can you justify that, cause it makes no sense to me『難道隻因為它與 我毫無意義可言』
[01:07.82]You're growin' up much too fast『你們成長的太快』
[01:10.11]The destruction of mankind. How long would it last『人類的毀滅 還將 持續多久』
[01:33.86]Perfect - that's what I'm strivin'『完美 那正是我要做的』
[01:36.48]The next best thing won't do for me 『用更好的來代替自我』
[01:38.87]I do my best, you disagree『我竭盡全力 你卻反對』
[01:41.49]Holier - than - thou, holier - than - me 『自以為是的虔誠和神聖』
[01:43.98]Commitin' crimes with no remorse『肆虐妄行』
[01:46.84]As good as gold, now an evil『邪惡的力量已盡極至』
[01:49.26]One word description is a dis『用一個詞來形容 那就是“地獄”』
[01:51.47]You lick a boy down for his bag of cheese n onion crisp『為了一袋食 物就將孩子打倒』
[01:54.42]And you don't even stop to think 『你卻從未停下來思考』
[01:56.59]Whatever happened to the dinosaurs could make us all extinct 『發 生在恐龍身上的事情同樣可將你我滅絕』
[01:59.48]I'm bein' judged by the clothes that I wear『以貌取人』
[02:01.49]We gotta educate those with a grudge to bear『我們必須引到心中的怨恨 』
[02:04.79]But I'm content to a certain extent『但我還感到些許欣慰』
[02:06.77]You're condemned for life, it's too late to repen『懺悔早已太遲 你已 行將就木』
[02:09.89]Inna - most beauty, such a terrible waste『最美好的東西』
[02:12.84]Caught between a rock 'n' a hard place『隻有在最荒涼的地方才能得到』
[02:35.92]Be judged by accordin' to what you've done『你所作的一切終將接收審判 』
[02:38.19]Live this life, the next is a better one『度過這一生 下一個將會更好 』
[02:40.77]Eat the fruit from the tree of life『隻能吃生命之樹的果實』
[02:42.94]'Cause if you live by the sword. you'll die by the knife『否則將 玩 火自焚 自作自受』
[02:46.13]How great and wonderful are your days『偉大的日子』
[02:48.65]How right and true are your ways.『正確的方式』
[02:51.08]No more death, grief, cryin' or pain『不再有死亡、憂傷、哭泣和痛苦』
[02:53.31]Cause only the good things will remain.『隻有美好的才能被留下來』
[02:56.35]Heed my words 'cause what I'm sayin' is true『聽從我的指引 因為我所 說的一切都將實現』
[02:58.81]Treat them exactly as they treated you『彼此善待』
[03:01.33]Wipe away the tears from your eyes『擦去眼邊的淚水』
[03:03.52]Be proud, lift your head up - reach for the skies『自豪的抬起頭 去觸 及那天國』
[03:27.36]Condemned for what you did to them『為你對他們所作的一切受責』
[03:30.02]Now see how quick they fall to worship him『看看他們多快的開始崇拜他 』
[03:32.50]There's a place in my heart that makes me understand『心中有個地方使 我明白』
[03:35.00]Prepared 'n' ready like a bride dressed to meet her husband『像準備 見丈夫的盛裝的新娘那樣』
[03:37.52]Treat life like a learning process『將生命看作學習的過程』
[03:39.74]I said turn right, so you took a sharp left『我讓你右轉 你卻向左』
[03:42.80]Wake up and we'll all sleep peacefully『醒來吧 我們將一起平靜的睡去 』
[03:45.42]The sun shines but it still seems bleak to me『陽光燦爛 但對我依舊似 黯淡無光』
[03:47.89]You tell a lie and convince me it's the truth『你用謊話使我相信那是 真理』
[03:50.46]I'm well mannered but you still call me uncouth『我小心翼翼 你仍說我 無禮』
[03:53.11]I believe that there's got to be much more『我相信這已太多』
[03:55.57]I hope I'm ready when death comes knockin' on my door『希望在死神降 臨之時我已經做好準備』
[03:58.01]Maybe tonight, maybe as I sleep『也許今晚也許在睡夢中』
[04:00.76]It can drive you mad if you think too deep『如果你想的太多 那將讓你 發瘋 』
[04:03.27]But don't have a breakdown because I called you a clown『別因為我叫 你小醜就感到崩潰』
[04:06.16]You threw a punch 'n' missed, I killed you with a kiss『你打來一拳 我卻用親吻將你殺死』
[04:08.66]What on earth will you be then『你究竟想做些什麼呢』
[04:11.06]The hour of your death amen『在你死亡的時刻 阿門』
[04:13.74]'N' all the prejudice that I've sustained『和我所有的偏見』
[04:16.56]I know it sounds funny but I just can't stand the pain『我知道聽起來 有些可笑 但我已無法忍受這種痛苦』

《Untold Stories》LRC歌詞下載

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Untold Stories.lrc歌詞下載(簡體版)


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:

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