加州旅館 歌詞,舞曲《加州旅館》lrc歌詞下載


專輯:舞間道 - 世界名曲轟動版


On a dark desert highway.行駛在昏黑的荒漠公路上。
Cool wind in my hair.涼風吹過我的頭發。
Warm smell of colitas.溫馨的大麻香。(註意這裡是什麼香味)
Rising up through the air.彌漫在空氣中。
Up ahead in the distance.抬頭遙望遠方,
I saw a shimmering light.我看到一絲微弱的燈光。(從這一句開始往下可理解為吸毒後的感覺)
My head grew heavy & my sight grew dim.我的頭越來越沉,視線也變得模糊。(吸毒癥狀)
I had 2 stop 4 the night.我不得不停下來過夜。
There she stood in the doorway.她站在門那兒等候我。(毒品的誘惑)
I heard the mission bell.我聽到遠處教堂的鐘聲。(可以理解為吸毒後的幻聽)
And I was thinking 2 myself.我在心裡暗自嘀咕。
"This could B Heaven or this could B Hell".這裡也許是天堂也可能是地獄。(毒品的天堂地獄)
Then she lit up a candle.她點燃了蠟燭。(點燃大麻)
And she showed me the way.並給我引路。(引向幻境)
There were voices down the corridor.走廊深處傳來陣陣說話聲。
Welcome 2 the Hotel California ! 歡迎來到加州旅館!(毒品的誘惑)
Such a lovely place ! 多麼美麗的地方!
Such a lovely face ! 如許可愛的面容!!(毒品讓人感覺很親切)
Plenty of room at the Hotel California ! 這就是永遠迎客的加州旅館!
Any time of year.一年的任何時候
U can find it here ! 你都能在這找到你需要的房間。(毒品隨時可以滿足你的需要)
Her mind is Tiffany-twisted,她的心為珠寶所扭曲。(吸食毒品後的放縱!)
She got the Mercedes bends.她擁有豪華的奔馳車。(擁有的滿足感!)
She got a lot of pretty,pretty boys.她有許多漂亮的男孩。(毒品如此的受歡迎!)
That she calls friends.她稱之為朋友。(毒品是朋友!)
How they dance in the courtyard.他們在庭院裡翩翩起舞。
Sweet summer sweat.甜蜜夏日,香汗伶俐。
Some dance 2 remember ! 有人翩翩為回憶!
Some dance 2 forget ! 有人翩翩求忘卻!(吸食毒品的目的!)
So I called up the Captain.於是我叫來領班。
"Please bring me my wine." 請給我來些美酒。
He said"We haven't had that spirit here."他說:我們這再不供應列酒
"Since nineteen sixty nine." 自從1969年起。
And still tho



[02:11.12]On a dark desert highway.行駛在昏黑的荒漠公路上。
[02:14.39]Cool wind in my hair.涼風吹過我的頭發。
[02:17.48]Warm smell of colitas.溫馨的大麻香。(註意這裡是什麼香味)
[02:20.56]Rising up through the air.彌漫在空氣中。
[02:23.86]Up ahead in the distance.抬頭遙望遠方,
[02:27.11]I saw a shimmering light.我看到一絲微弱的燈光。(從這一句開始往下可理解為吸毒後的感覺)
[02:30.49]My head grew heavy & my sight grew dim.我的頭越來越沉,視線也變得模糊。(吸毒癥狀)
[02:33.42]I had 2 stop 4 the night.我不得不停下來過夜。
[02:36.72]There she stood in the doorway.她站在門那兒等候我。(毒品的誘惑)
[02:39.91]I heard the mission bell.我聽到遠處教堂的鐘聲。(可以理解為吸毒後的幻聽)
[02:43.52]And I was thinking 2 myself.我在心裡暗自嘀咕。
[02:47.26]"This could B Heaven or this could B Hell".這裡也許是天堂也可能是地獄。(毒品的天堂地獄)
[02:49.58]Then she lit up a candle.她點燃了蠟燭。(點燃大麻)
[02:55.45]And she showed me the way.並給我引路。(引向幻境)
[02:57.34]There were voices down the corridor.走廊深處傳來陣陣說話聲。
[02:59.65]Welcome 2 the Hotel California ! 歡迎來到加州旅館!(毒品的誘惑)
[03:07.83]Such a lovely place ! 多麼美麗的地方!
[03:11.13]Such a lovely face ! 如許可愛的面容!!(毒品讓人感覺很親切)
[03:14.83]Plenty of room at the Hotel California ! 這就是永遠迎客的加州旅館!
[03:20.71]Any time of year.一年的任何時候
[03:23.88]U can find it here ! 你都能在這找到你需要的房間。(毒品隨時可以滿足你的需要)
[03:27.71]Her mind is Tiffany-twisted,她的心為珠寶所扭曲。(吸食毒品後的放縱!)
[03:30.90]She got the Mercedes bends.她擁有豪華的奔馳車。(擁有的滿足感!)
[03:34.84]She got a lot of pretty,pretty boys.她有許多漂亮的男孩。(毒品如此的受歡迎!)
[03:40.75]That she calls friends.她稱之為朋友。(毒品是朋友!)
[03:44.48]How they dance in the courtyard.他們在庭院裡翩翩起舞。
[03:47.57]Sweet summer sweat.甜蜜夏日,香汗伶俐。
[03:50.67]Some dance 2 remember ! 有人翩翩為回憶!
[03:53.41]Some dance 2 forget ! 有人翩翩求忘卻!(吸食毒品的目的!)
[03:55.18]So I called up the Captain.於是我叫來領班。
[03:56.77]"Please bring me my wine." 請給我來些美酒。
[03:59.78]He said"We haven't had that spirit here."他說:我們這再不供應列酒
[04:03.77]"Since nineteen sixty nine." 自從1969年起。
[04:06.61]And still tho




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:

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