A Boy Like That – Maria And Anita 歌詞,West Side Story《A Boy Like That – Maria And Anita》lrc歌詞下載

West Side Story《A Boy Like That - Maria And Anita》歌曲信息

歌名:A Boy Like That - Maria And Anita
歌手:West Side Story
專輯:West Side Story (50th Anniversary)

West Side Story《A Boy Like That - Maria And Anita》文本歌詞

Kings Of Metal
The Warriors Prayer
Manowar - Warriors prayer 勇者的禱告
Grandfather, tell me a story! 爺爺,我要聽故事!
Alright, go and get your storybook. 好吧,把那本故事書拿過來。
No, No, not one of those, a real story! 不,不,不是那種,我要聽真實的故事!
A real story? 真實的?
Yes, tell me about when you were a boy.是的,給我講講您小時候的事吧。
Well, then, I shall have to take you back with me, 這樣,好吧,
a long way in time...那我就帶著你一同追溯那多年前的時光……
"It was my thirteenth year on a cold winter"s “那年我十三歲,那是一個寒冷的冬日,
day, as I walked through the enchanted 我正走在一片迷人的樹林裡,
forest, I heard the sound of horses, and men 這時傳來一陣馬蹄聲,像是由全副武裝的戰士騎著,
at arms, I felt compelled to walk on and 我不由自主地循聲而去,
find the place of these sounds, and when 找到了聲音的來源,
the forest did clear I was standing on a突然一切都靜了下來,我發現自己站在一座山丘上,
hill before me was a great plane眼前是一塊寬闊平地,
upon it the armies of the worlds 一支龐大的軍隊站立在那裡,等待著。
standing, waiting. I thought to myself, for 我尋思著,他們是在等誰呢,
whom or for what are they waiting? 將要發生什麼事情?
Suddenly a gust of wind came up from the 突然之間,北方刮起一陣狂風,
North, there appeared a lone rider, holding 一位孤膽騎士手持鋼劍策馬而來;
a sword of steel, then from the south came 緊接著南面又來了一個,
another, bearing a battle ax, from the east 他提著一柄戰斧;
came a third holding a spiked club, and 第三位騎士出現在東方,他的武器是一支長矛;
finally from the west, a rider who weilded 最後在西面,一位騎士手握巨大的戰錘現身。
a great hammer of war. With them came 一群視死如歸的戰士,
their soldiers of death, followed by an 不死軍團緊隨著他們。
Army of Immortals. They were few in number 他們人數不多,
but the look in their eyes told all who 但眼神透露了膽量與決心,
beheld them that they would leave this day 他們無所畏懼,
only in victory or death. 誓死方休。
And there was a great silence... 接下來又是一陣可怕的寂靜……
My heart began to pound, storm clouds 我心跳加劇,
filled the sky with darkness, rain came, and 烏雲遮蔽了天空,黑暗降臨大地,大雨傾盆而下,
the four winds blew with such anger that I 那四陣狂風又刮將起來,
held fast to a tree. I watched the four 我趕緊躲到樹後。
riders raise their weapons into the air. 我看見四騎士高舉起武器。
Without warning, screaming their war cry 猛然之間,他們發出戰爭咆哮,
they led the attack, down to the battle they 攻擊開始了,他們策馬狂奔,沖向戰場,
rode, they met the armies of the world with 戰馬直搗敵陣,所向披靡!
a mighty clash! I could feel the ground 我可以感覺到整個地面都在顫抖,
shake, the earth drank much blood that 那一天,大地飲血無數。
day. Each of the four, was unto himself,a 四位騎士,
whirlwind of doom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 就如同四股崔古拉朽的龍卷風!!!
When the smoke did clear, many thousands 硝煙散去時,屍橫遍野。
were dead. There was much blood and gore. 凝固的血液染紅了大地,
Their bodies lay broken and scattered 屍體的碎片散落一地。
across the battlefield like brown leaves 整個戰場看起來就像一堆被風吹散的棕色樹葉。
blown by the wind. And I saw the four ride 我看到那四位騎士
together to the top of the hill, while below 一齊策馬至山頂,
them the soldiers of death assembled, all士兵們聚攏在他們腳下,
those who would now swear allegiance to them. 宣誓效忠他們。
And the four spoke the words of the 這時四人開口念誦
Warrior"s Prayer. 勇士的禱詞。
IS BY MY SIDE. 我已握劍在手。
ALL FALSE PRIDE. 讓一切恥辱遠離我。
MIGHTY HAIL. 帶著無比的勇氣歡呼。
EVER FAIL. 我也毫不畏懼死亡。
HAIL, HAIL, HAIL. 歡呼,歡呼,歡呼。
And as I stood and looked on, I heard the 我站在那,繼續看著,
Armies of the world hail them without 我聽見整個軍隊向他們歡呼,經久不息,
End, and their voices of victory carried 勝利的歡呼聲
Long and far throughout the land!" 穿越大地一直傳向遠方!”
Well, that"s it, did you like the story? 嗯,就是這樣,這個故事你喜歡嗎?
Yeah, it was great! 是的,棒極了!
Oh good, I"m glad. Now off to bed with you.好,我也很開心。現在該上床睡覺了。
Grandfather? 爺爺?
Yes? 嗯?
Who were those four men? 那四個是什麼人?
Who were they? 他們?

West Side Story《A Boy Like That - Maria And Anita》LRC歌詞

[ti:]The Warriors Prayer
[al:]Kings Of Metal

[00:00.10]Manowar - Warriors prayer 勇者的禱告
[00:00.41]Grandfather, tell me a story! 爺爺,我要聽故事!
[00:03.61]Alright, go and get your storybook. 好吧,把那本故事書拿過來。
[00:07.49]No, No, not one of those, a real story! 不,不,不是那種,我要聽真實的故事!
[00:11.57]A real story? 真實的?
[00:13.60]Yes, tell me about when you were a boy.是的,給我講講您小時候的事吧。
[00:17.07]Well, then, I shall have to take you back with me, 這樣,好吧,
[00:20.48]a long way in time...那我就帶著你一同追溯那多年前的時光……
[00:24.55]"It was my thirteenth year on a cold winter"s “那年我十三歲,那是一個寒冷的冬日,
[00:27.74]day, as I walked through the enchanted 我正走在一片迷人的樹林裡,
[00:30.09]forest, I heard the sound of horses, and men 這時傳來一陣馬蹄聲,像是由全副武裝的戰士騎著,
[00:33.31]at arms, I felt compelled to walk on and 我不由自主地循聲而去,
[00:37.74]find the place of these sounds, and when 找到了聲音的來源,
[00:40.85]the forest did clear I was standing on a突然一切都靜了下來,我發現自己站在一座山丘上,
[00:43.60]hill before me was a great plane眼前是一塊寬闊平地,
[00:47.68]upon it the armies of the worlds 一支龐大的軍隊站立在那裡,等待著。
[00:51.19]standing, waiting. I thought to myself, for 我尋思著,他們是在等誰呢,
[00:55.49]whom or for what are they waiting? 將要發生什麼事情?
[00:58.95]Suddenly a gust of wind came up from the 突然之間,北方刮起一陣狂風,
[01:02.08]North, there appeared a lone rider, holding 一位孤膽騎士手持鋼劍策馬而來;
[01:05.84]a sword of steel, then from the south came 緊接著南面又來了一個,
[01:09.70]another, bearing a battle ax, from the east 他提著一柄戰斧;
[01:13.77]came a third holding a spiked club, and 第三位騎士出現在東方,他的武器是一支長矛;
[01:17.38]finally from the west, a rider who weilded 最後在西面,一位騎士手握巨大的戰錘現身。
[01:21.66]a great hammer of war. With them came 一群視死如歸的戰士,
[01:25.78]their soldiers of death, followed by an 不死軍團緊隨著他們。
[01:28.71]Army of Immortals. They were few in number 他們人數不多,
[01:33.39]but the look in their eyes told all who 但眼神透露了膽量與決心,
[01:36.38]beheld them that they would leave this day 他們無所畏懼,
[01:39.63]only in victory or death. 誓死方休。
[01:43.37]And there was a great silence... 接下來又是一陣可怕的寂靜……
[01:46.85]My heart began to pound, storm clouds 我心跳加劇,
[01:50.94]filled the sky with darkness, rain came, and 烏雲遮蔽了天空,黑暗降臨大地,大雨傾盆而下,
[01:54.59]the four winds blew with such anger that I 那四陣狂風又刮將起來,
[01:57.48]held fast to a tree. I watched the four 我趕緊躲到樹後。
[02:01.14]riders raise their weapons into the air. 我看見四騎士高舉起武器。
[02:04.28]Without warning, screaming their war cry 猛然之間,他們發出戰爭咆哮,
[02:07.83]they led the attack, down to the battle they 攻擊開始了,他們策馬狂奔,沖向戰場,
[02:11.53]rode, they met the armies of the world with 戰馬直搗敵陣,所向披靡!
[02:14.95]a mighty clash! I could feel the ground 我可以感覺到整個地面都在顫抖,
[02:20.63]shake, the earth drank much blood that 那一天,大地飲血無數。
[02:24.04]day. Each of the four, was unto himself,a 四位騎士,
[02:27.87]whirlwind of doom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 就如同四股崔古拉朽的龍卷風!!!
[02:35.23]When the smoke did clear, many thousands 硝煙散去時,屍橫遍野。
[02:38.83]were dead. There was much blood and gore. 凝固的血液染紅了大地,
[02:43.29]Their bodies lay broken and scattered 屍體的碎片散落一地。
[02:47.19]across the battlefield like brown leaves 整個戰場看起來就像一堆被風吹散的棕色樹葉。
[02:50.03]blown by the wind. And I saw the four ride 我看到那四位騎士
[02:54.16]together to the top of the hill, while below 一齊策馬至山頂,
[02:56.75]them the soldiers of death assembled, all士兵們聚攏在他們腳下,
[02:59.72]those who would now swear allegiance to them. 宣誓效忠他們。
[03:03.79]And the four spoke the words of the 這時四人開口念誦
[03:07.30]Warrior"s Prayer. 勇士的禱詞。
[03:10.43]GODS OF WAR I CALL YOU, MY SWORD戰爭之神我呼喚你,
[03:14.32]IS BY MY SIDE. 我已握劍在手。
[03:16.29]I SEEK A LIFE OF HONOR, FREE FROM我的生命渴望榮耀,
[03:19.69]ALL FALSE PRIDE. 讓一切恥辱遠離我。
[03:25.36]MIGHTY HAIL. 帶著無比的勇氣歡呼。
[03:29.59]EVER FAIL. 我也毫不畏懼死亡。
[03:31.26]GLORY, MAJESTY, UNITY 為榮耀,為權力,為團結
[03:35.75]HAIL, HAIL, HAIL. 歡呼,歡呼,歡呼。
[03:41.14]And as I stood and looked on, I heard the 我站在那,繼續看著,
[03:43.54]Armies of the world hail them without 我聽見整個軍隊向他們歡呼,經久不息,
[03:46.92]End, and their voices of victory carried 勝利的歡呼聲
[03:50.67]Long and far throughout the land!" 穿越大地一直傳向遠方!”
[03:58.26]Well, that"s it, did you like the story? 嗯,就是這樣,這個故事你喜歡嗎?
[04:02.90]Yeah, it was great! 是的,棒極了!
[04:05.23]Oh good, I"m glad. Now off to bed with you.好,我也很開心。現在該上床睡覺了。
[04:09.92]Grandfather? 爺爺?
[04:11.17]Yes? 嗯?
[04:12.09]Who were those four men? 那四個是什麼人?
[04:14.75]Who were they? 他們?
[04:16.70]THEY WERE THE METAL KINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!他們是金屬之王!!!

West Side Story《A Boy Like That - Maria And Anita》LRC歌詞下載

A Boy Like That - Maria And Anita.lrc歌詞下載(繁體版)
A Boy Like That - Maria And Anita.lrc歌詞下載(簡體版)


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