Tool Jambi 歌詞lrc下載


作詞 : Carey, Chancellor, Jones ...
Here from a king's mountain view 這裡是國王的山丘景觀
Here from a wild dream come true 這裡是狂野之夢成真的地方
Feast like a sultan, I do 我,像蘇丹王一樣
On treasures and flesh, never few 站在數不盡的珠寶和血肉上盛宴
But I would wish it all away if I thought I'd lose you 但我希望這些都沒有發生如果我知道我會失去你
just one day 僅僅一天也行
The Devil and his had me down 惡魔和他的惡魔屈服了我
In love with the dark side I'd found 我卻愛著我的黑暗的一面
Dabbling all the way down 沉浸其中不能自拔
Up to my neck, soon to drown 已經到我脖子了,很快就溺水了
But you changed that all for me 但是你把我這些都改變了
Lifted me up 把我救起
Turned me round 讓我浪子回頭
Prayed like a martyr dusk til dawn 像烈士一樣祈禱從黃昏直到黎明
Begged like a hooker all night long 整晚地像妓女一樣的祈求
Tempted the devil with my song 用我的歌聲引誘了惡魔
And got what I wanted all along 而且從開始就得到了我所要得到的一切
No cross that you could hold 你不會舉著十字架吧
Sway or justify my giving away, my center 把我的所予都拋在一邊且義正言辭我的過錯,我的所愛
So if I could 那麼我會的
I'd wish it all away if I thought tomorrow would take 我會希望這些都沒有發生,如果我知道明天
you away 你會被帶走
You're my peace of mind, my home 你是我內心的安詳,我的家
I said I'm just trying to hold on one more day 我說過我隻是在試著多堅持一天
Dim my eyes if they should compromise 黯淡我的眼睛如果他們會妥協
Or fall from what sin need you 或者從你的罪行中墮落
If I leave it then I might as well be gone 如果我袖手旁觀我也許也會消失吧
Shine on forever 永遠照耀下去吧
Shine on, benevolent sun 照耀吧,仁慈的太陽
Shine down upon the broken 照耀那些破碎的
Shine until the two become one 照耀下去直到他們合二為一
Shine on forever 永遠照耀下去吧
Shine on, benevolent sun 照耀吧,仁慈的太陽
Shine down upon the severed 照耀那些嚴峻的
Shine until the two become one 照耀下去直到他們合二為一
Divided, I'm wither away 分裂,我逐漸凋謝了
Shine down upon the many 照耀那些多數的
Light our way, benevolent sun 照亮我們的道路,仁慈的太陽
Breathe in union 在團結中呼吸
Breathe in union so as one survive another day and season 在團結中呼吸,當人們一天又一季的生存下來
Silence, leech 沉默,吸血蟲
Save your poison 免了你的毒液吧
Silence, leech 沉默,吸血蟲
Stay out of my way 離我遠一點


作詞 : Carey, Chancellor, Jones ...
Here from a king's mountain view 這裡是國王的山丘景觀
Here from a wild dream come true 這裡是狂野之夢成真的地方
Feast like a sultan, I do 我,像蘇丹王一樣
On treasures and flesh, never few 站在數不盡的珠寶和血肉上盛宴
But I would wish it all away if I thought I'd lose you 但我希望這些都沒有發生如果我知道我會失去你
just one day 僅僅一天也行
The Devil and his had me down 惡魔和他的惡魔屈服了我
In love with the dark side I'd found 我卻愛著我的黑暗的一面
Dabbling all the way down 沉浸其中不能自拔
Up to my neck, soon to drown 已經到我脖子了,很快就溺水了
But you changed that all for me 但是你把我這些都改變了
Lifted me up 把我救起
Turned me round 讓我浪子回頭
Prayed like a martyr dusk til dawn 像烈士一樣祈禱從黃昏直到黎明
Begged like a hooker all night long 整晚地像妓女一樣的祈求
Tempted the devil with my song 用我的歌聲引誘了惡魔
And got what I wanted all along 而且從開始就得到了我所要得到的一切
No cross that you could hold 你不會舉著十字架吧
Sway or justify my giving away, my center 把我的所予都拋在一邊且義正言辭我的過錯,我的所愛
So if I could 那麼我會的
I'd wish it all away if I thought tomorrow would take 我會希望這些都沒有發生,如果我知道明天
you away 你會被帶走
You're my peace of mind, my home 你是我內心的安詳,我的家
I said I'm just trying to hold on one more day 我說過我隻是在試著多堅持一天
Dim my eyes if they should compromise 黯淡我的眼睛如果他們會妥協
Or fall from what sin need you 或者從你的罪行中墮落
If I leave it then I might as well be gone 如果我袖手旁觀我也許也會消失吧
Shine on forever 永遠照耀下去吧
Shine on, benevolent sun 照耀吧,仁慈的太陽
Shine down upon the broken 照耀那些破碎的
Shine until the two become one 照耀下去直到他們合二為一
Shine on forever 永遠照耀下去吧
Shine on, benevolent sun 照耀吧,仁慈的太陽
Shine down upon the severed 照耀那些嚴峻的
Shine until the two become one 照耀下去直到他們合二為一
Divided, I'm wither away 分裂,我逐漸凋謝了
Shine down upon the many 照耀那些多數的
Light our way, benevolent sun 照亮我們的道路,仁慈的太陽
Breathe in union 在團結中呼吸
Breathe in union so as one survive another day and season 在團結中呼吸,當人們一天又一季的生存下來
Silence, leech 沉默,吸血蟲
Save your poison 免了你的毒液吧
Silence, leech 沉默,吸血蟲
Stay out of my way 離我遠一點




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:

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